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Wat is een demoon? In ieder geval níet wat jou door de Abrahamistische religies is voorgespiegeld als 'boos' en kwaadaardig.


#spiritualiteit #pagan #paganisme #demons #demonen
Wat is een demoon? In ieder geval níet wat jou door de Abrahamistische religies is voorgespiegeld als 'boos' en kwaadaardig. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZIJWFc8Uf/ #spiritualiteit #pagan #paganisme #demons #demonen

What is a demon? The origin of Demons: Understanding the Word Demon. The word demon does not indicate evil. A demon is not an evil entity. Demons are deities who were turned into demons by being demonized- or made to look bad. The word demon does not indicate a classification of spirit. The word demon means any spirit that has free will apart from the abrahammic god. Demons are gods. Demons are not evil. Not every demon is malicious. Demons can be helpful. Demons can be loyal. Demons are often protective. Calling something a demon does not make it evil. Demon does not mean evil. The definition of “demon” may not be what you think it is. Do you know what a demon is? Demons are not evil. If you believe demons are evil you need to research demons better. #demon #demons #horror #paranormal #onthisday #spirituality #lucifer #baal @MadameFortune @MadameFortune

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