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Important Update: Discover Our New Forum at OpenVoiceForum.com!

Rudy Deelen
2024-06-25 15:24:50

We have noticed that our forum on Friendsplace international is not being used very actively. That's why we've decided to close the forum and join forces on a new and exciting platform: OpenVoiceForum.com

At OpenVoiceForum.com, we continue our community with enhanced features, a broader scope of topics, and a fresh new environment where our free speech and community spirit are central. Whether you are passionate about technology, art, science or something completely different, there is room for everyone to make their voice heard.

We look forward to seeing you all at OpenVoiceForum.com, where we continue our conversations with new energy and possibilities. Create your account, dive into the discussions and continue connecting with old and new friends worldwide.

Thank you for being part of Friendsplace international. We are excited to start this new chapter with you!

See you at OpenVoiceForum.com!

Yours sincerely,

Team FriendsPlace International